Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but a fire broke out abruptly, you are a pig that is stuck in a skyscraper and your goal is to escape.

But there is one detail.. you're flying pig!

•  Your goal is to run as fast as possible to the last floor, bypassing traps and obstacles.  On your way there may be opponents, fire, but the main problem is the flame that rises from floor to floor.

• But you have one advantage, you have wings! Using your wings to fly up to the ceiling by pressing the "S" button.


• Move - A (Left), D (Right)
• Fly - S
• To use lift - E

Development tools:

  • Engine - Unity
  • Visual - Aseprite, Adobe Photoshop
  • Sound- BFXR

Project team:

Eva Slivinschi- Visual Artist
Anastasia Rogojina - Visual Artist
Nichita Hodakovski- Game Design
Ilya Antonov - Code

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